Saturday, May 23, 2009

Claire's First Ballet Recital 2009

We arrived nice and early. Can you see how excited she is? Actually she was trying her model smile out. Maybe it is her Miss America plastic smile.

All dressed in her pretty yellow tutu.

She has such a pretty back. The back of the tutu was cute too.

All lined up and ready to get down and boogie...pardon tap. All dressed up and ready to tap, a tap, tap, tap! Shuffle toe heal ball change!

This was the hard part. Changing out from your tap shoes to your ballet slippers. Remember people she is only three...awe!

This is probably one of my favorite pictures. That is Missy and Claire doing an arabesque. Too cute!

She just melts my heart. She looked so thrilled to be there.

Grandma got her that beautiful bouquet of flowers. Claire kept saying over and over "My Gama got me pretty flowers Momma!"

This child was so excited it was popping out of those pretty blue eyes.

Momma and her pretty little ballerina princess Claire. You know it's kinda funny because she is the only one out of the three that calls me Momma. We are not extremely southern out here and she picked that name for me all on her own. She has even gotten me to call my Mom, Momma.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Much Needed One On One Time

This Mother's Day I did something that was very rare for me. I spent it with my eldest child. Having a set of three year old twins is a very on your toes job. The little guys demand so much more of my time. This was supposed to be the their Daddy's weekend but Ethan had a very high fever on Friday so I kept him with me and sent the twins off to spend the weekend with their Dad. By the time Sunday rolled around his fever had broke and he was bouncing off the walls. That was when I decided that we would get out and go to The Yellow River Game Ranch. This place is full of native Georgian wild life that has been either injured or orphaned at one point. This time of year is the best time to go. So off we went and had a blast!

This was what greeted us when we walked out that door. He even struck a pose.

Then this sweet little thang wandered up.

Then a couple more sweet thangs.....

Then the whole family came over. No fear in that child's eyes, NO FEAR I say!

Spring has sprung. Babies ducks are so cute.

This baby called me "Maaaaaaamaaaaaaaaa" Yes he did I swear!

Ethan and I had a long discussion about putting this little chick in a pocket and running to the car. It took him a good five minutes of reasoning with me to get it through my head that it would be a very bad thing for me to do. It was so cute and fuzzy!

This pig was very grunty and demanding. He didn't want the peanut Ethan tried to feed him. He didn't want the carrot. Not even the saltine cracker would do for this swine. Then I found his Achilles heel.......graham crackers. He is on his way to sugar diabetes.

What a ham.....hehe. Yeah shoot me I went there!

How could you resist a face like that?

Much easier then resisting THIS face. I lova, lova, love you little man! He was on a mission to give every squirrel he set his eyes on a peanut. The animals here are so tame that even a teeny tiny little chipmunk will come up to you and take a nut from your hand.

I am telling you these animals know how to get food out of me. They were playing goat peek a boo with me. Then they had the nerve to call me "Maaaamaaaaa" over and over again. I was going into Mamma over drive.

I was this guy's Mamma first. My mini me freckles and all.

I fell for it. Yes it's a hand made sling shot.

Please Lord don't let him put anybodies eyes out. Please don't let that evil little boy streak come out of him against the woodland creatures in the back yard.

Oh and this sweet creature wanted to tell you something.................